The Northern Connection

YULOs: You Win Some, YULOs Some

Carlos Yulo won 2 Olympic gold medals. While the entire Philippines, or rather most (as not all) are rejoicing, we seem to be gymnasts springing back for gold, rolling and tumbling our way being one with the nation in celebrating a winning moment for pride and glory of the whole of what Carlos Yulo is representing ~ the red, blue, three stars and a sun ~ our flag. But then, the red part of that flag seems to be up. A red flag has been raised. But against who? The Yulo family is embroiled in a controversy. They are in some way backflipping personal issues to which Filipinos are likewise battling out with the truth even if it’s not theirs to deal with. The story is good enough for all its trending news’ worth. Isn’t it enough to focus on our athletes’ winning moments as to how they gave it a shot at least and simply cheer for them? Is it likewise a “red flag” for our being to be as toxic in meddling with a public figure’s personal life. From Yulo’s 2 gold medals, the public is now more invested on the unfolding of the somersaulting stories between 2 sides. “Yulo 2 Yulo.” Yulo fought for the motherland, while “Mother Yulo” is fighting for her son.

All’s not lost…

Between these 2 parties, however of the same lineage, it’s like the Philippines winning 2 gold medals but under 1 sport by 1 athlete. They are 1 family divided into 2. As Carlos Yulo dominated the floor exercise, it gave their family the floor to likewise exercise their respective opinions on an apparent “split jump” like an apparent leap of faith as to who’s telling the truth…  Then the 2nd gold came via the vault. Ironically, “volt” (in) is what their family needs. Will they end up with a perfect landing and “stick” together or from straddle to struggle? Social media was the springboard that catapulted what should have been a private affair. From 2 golds to a golden moment among mongers. Filipinos feasted on their “difficulty score” earning a “gold meddle”.

Speaking of gold and meddle, even Carlos Yulo’s goldilocks-dyed hair for a girlfriend who he seems to be so into has been discredited for meddling and outwardly standing on a higher podium between the mother and the son. She’s been deemed as a gold-digger calling the shots for her boyfriend. Quite a lot of netizens were also quick to assume that she’s a “fame whore” seemingly capitalizing on every opportunity to take advantage of the limelight. It was suggested as much as the right thing to do not to insolently stand by your boyfriend’s side or insensitively be all over him during sensitive interviews she shouldn’t even be a part of… Then out of the picture but have struck gold in the dramatics of a seemingly Golden Globe award-winning true-to-life struggle behind an inspiring success story amidst the melodramatic plot twist are us, the people. The public has basked in his glory and seeming personal matters in question… No need to expound further on what has already been publicized, as much as scrutinized.

Carlos Yulo may have won 2 gold medals after all the dedicated training but at the expense of what? Like any other athlete aiming for that glory most likely, did he work hard to get that gold for himself more than anything? More than proving himself to others and to himself, was it more of pridefully proving others wrong? Not to mention it even, is it for the overwhelming incentives? He probably needs good training as well on life, family values perhaps, even on love probably and whatnot. However, we should also learn not to go for that “gold meddle” as well… A valuable lesson we could all learn from this sort of “Realizations, Eventualities, Assumptions, Living, Irony, Truth, Youthfulness (REALITY)” which reasonably transpires for us to learn and mature. To each his own. You win some, you lose some. This goes out not just for Carlos Yulo, his family or his girlfriend. It’s for all of us. Right from the opening bell to the final buzzer regardless of record breaking feats and medal-worthy performances, if you refuse to fully understand what really matters and what’s truly more valuable than gold, you lose.

For Carlos Yulo, you’ve already established a name as much as there’s now a (Carlos) “Yulo fever”… A name you’ll carry on for a time, and so does your family and siblings who seem to be on the same “gym floor” for a path. So will your girlfriend probably… Some Yulos you are… You lose some, but actually, you win. We don’t have millions to offer as incentive but we’re praying for your family’s peace and reconciliation. YULOs win, we win. Not a “gold meddle” but a gold medal indeed and in deed.

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